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Dining Room



This portion of the home can be tricky.  In today’s modern green home a kitchen’s space will double as a dining area and sometimes a living area.  Typically this space will be adjacent to the kitchen so that you do not have to walk through another room with food to reach your dining area or table.  For this area of the home try to find a remaining area adjacent to your kitchen and draw the area for your dining room.


For example:


Tom & Eva’s plans have a dining room that is 6’x9’, 6’x16’, and 8’x14’.  The short wall average is (6’+6’+8’)/3= 6.33’ which rounds down to 6’.  The long wall works out to (9’+16’+14’)/3= 13’.  The size of their dining room will be 6’x13’.

Tom also reviews the positives and negatives for any comments about dining areas.  The only comment he finds is a negative about a small dining room.  Since the kitchen and great room area around the prospective dining area is wide open they both feel comfortable with the placement below.


Take a look at the placement of their dining room on the following page:



























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