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Foundation Worksheet



Now let’s take a look at the foundation of your green home project.  Here are some questions for you and any building partners to consider.


Research your answers as much as possible and if you do not know at this time choose option 3.


Is your land you will build on flat?


  1. Completely flat
  2. Slight slope
  3. Moderate slope
  4. Extreme slope
  5. Side of a cliff


Your Numerical Score:                     ____



Is this home site easily accessible from the nearest street?


  1. Driveway is complete with gravel
  2. Driveway is visible with dirt road
  3. Clear path of undisturbed grass
  4. Unknown path with trees and obstacles
  5. Bridge or other infrastructure needed


Your Numerical Score:                     ____



Does the local building department require the foundation to have an engineering seal or stamp?


  1. No
  2. Probably Not
  3. Maybe
  4. Probably So
  5. Yes


Your Numerical Score:                                      ____

Are you building a slab, piers, crawlspace, or a basement for your foundation?


  1. Slab
  2. Piers
  3. Crawlspace
  4. Combination of two of the above
  5. Basement


Your Numerical Score:                                      ____



What will your subfloor system be constructed with?


  1. Conventional Wood or Lumber
  2. Manufactured Glue Laminated Timbers
  3. Pre-built floor trusses
  4. Heavy Timbers
  5. Concrete or Steel


Your Numerical Score:                                      ____



What will your foundation’s wall system be made of?


  1. No wall (Slab or Piers)
  2. Concrete Block
  3. Poured Concrete Walls
  4. Pre-insulated Foundation System
  5. Insulated Concrete forms


Your Numerical Score:                                      ____



What portion of the foundation area will be finished during construction?


  1. 0%
  2. 25%
  3. 50%
  4. 75%
  5. 100%


Your Numerical Score:                     ____






Add up your total score from the previous questions and place it in the blank.  Range: (7-35)


Your Total Numerical Score:                        ____


Divide your score by 7


Total Score Divided By 7:                ____  (Round the number up)


Find your approximation on the scale below.


  1. $30-$45
  2. $46-$61
  3. $62-$77
  4. $78-$93
  5. $94-$109


Your Price Range:                      ____



Now take your price range and multiply it by your desired foundation’s square footage.


Your Budget Range:                         ____


      To help you with your process I have created a fictional couple, Tom and Eva.  They are building a green home in Tennessee.  They chose to use Green Home, to help them gain a better understanding of the green home construction process. Tom and Eva are creating worksheets separately.   Over the next few chapters we will follow Tom’s worksheets as a guide to help you create your own.


For example:


Tom is building his new green home in Nashville, TN on a lot that is extremely flat (Numerical Score 1).  His site is accessible to the nearest road by a driveway that exists but is currently a dirt path (Numerical Score 2).  The building department is flexible on residential structures and as long as a professionally designed set of blueprints is presented they typically require no engineering stamp (Numerical Score 2).  His needs require a full basement (Numerical Score 5) that will have a subfloor built with conventional lumber purchased from his local lumber yard (Numerical Score 1).  He plans to use a poured concrete wall system (Numerical Score 3), and finish ¾ of the basement for additional living space (Numerical Score 4).












Tom’s worksheet would look like this.



Add up your total score from the previous questions and place it in the blank.  Range: (7-35)


Your Total Numerical Score:  1+2+2+5+1+3+4 =  _18_


Divide your score by 7:        18/7 = 2.57


Total Score Divided By 7:    2.57 Rounds up to 3


Find your approximation on the scale below.


  1. $30-$45
  2. $46-$61
  3. $62-$77
  4. $78-$93
  5. $94-$109


Price Range:  $62-$77 per square foot



Now Tom and Eva will take their price range and multiply it by their desired foundation’s square footage.


Tom has a need for 1,100 square feet in his basement so he takes the $62 and multiplies it by 1,100 for a low range of $68,200.  He then takes the $77 and multiplies it by 1,100 for a high range of $84,700.


Foundation Cost Range:  $68,200 -$84,700 


Before moving on to the next chapter go ahead and calculate your foundation budget range.  Then it is time to move onto the main floor.  



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