Nothing beats the feeling of horror of getting called to the building inspector’s office.  You spent endless hours scouring over your blueprints for your new construction project.  What could possibly be wrong?  You were correct in the fact that your plans were perfect, and designed exactly to local code.  The only reason your plan did not pass the initial inspection, the Rescheck.  Not only did you not realize that you needed one, you also have very little idea what a Rescheck report, compliance certificate and checklist actually is.

There are two different avenues to take at this point.  You need a rescheck report, and you need it fast.  The first is that you can get out your scale, plot a set of prints, open up a couple laptops, and begin to do the calcs yourself.  After a couple of hours or days, this is when we hear from a majority of our clients on the Rescheck consulting help line 865-235-6277.  The other group sends us their report right away, and lets us handle their Rescheck from the start for just $79.

Some reasons that you might want to do your own Rescheck.

  • Control
  • Learning
  • A Deeper Understanding of Your Home’s Insulation Envelope

On the other side of the coin the option to allow us to handle your Rescheck comes with the following values:

  • Low Cost $79 any plan
  • Uses about 1 minute of your time uploading the plan
  • Nationwide acceptance, and we will find your local code for you
  • Free suggestions from a company that specializes in Rescheck consulting
  • 4-6 hour turn around so if you send a plan to be Reschecked you can have it in your inspector’s hand the same day.
  • You pay nothing until the report is complete and you know if passes or fails.  Send a plan and try it.


There are also plenty of reasons why you may not want to create your own rescheck report.  These are as follows:

  • We have learned from training new employees that a person’s first Rescheck can easily take 10-14 hours.
  • The cost of not having your plan pass
  • The cost of insulating a home improperly
  • Not knowing the correct components
  • Not understanding the code
  • No familiarity with Rescheck software

We have solved every single one of the above issues by offering you 100% free help if you get jammed up on a Rescheck of your own.  We do this as a service to you.  All you have to do is call 865-235-6277 and you can consult with a warm, friendly Rescheck specialist, free of charge.  Or just send us an e-mail at, and we will help get you back on track.

On the flip side, if you need your Rescheck now, we would be honored to have your business.  There is no other company that offers a higher quality Rescheck, with a faster turnaround time, at a lower price.  Our top offering we give our clients is customer service.  Did you know if you have changes to your design in the middle of the construction process, we will make those changes to your Rescheck report for zero additional charge?  That is right, we built this service centered around you, and the questions we hear from people just like you everyday who are struggling to create their own Rescheck.

In the end, if you need a Rescheck now there are two ways to get it.  Since the other guys cannot even guarantee 24 hour turnaround times in most cases and your project seems like a bother to them, we will eliminate any other Rescheck service from our list.  The options remain that you can create the rescheck report yourself with the help of free consulting from us, or you can allow us to create the rescheck report for you.  We will handle your project with pride and integrity and have your signed Rescheck report, checklist, and compliance in your hand and ready to submit in about 4-6 hours.  The choice is yours.