Utah Reschecks using the Utah Energy Code
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.
Utah is a state that provides plenty of leadership when it comes to energy codes and Rescheck reporting. It is easy to respect a state that has taken the time to create their own energy code (Utah Energy Code) and enforces it uniformly throughout the entire state. The Utah Energy Code was important to Utah’s citizens and government because of the varying climates and topographical features. The terrain in Utah varies from dry deserts, mountainous pine forests, valleys, and plateaus.
In a state with so much diversity it is intrinsically important to make sure that anyone building a home, contractors, architects, engineers, and building officials agree on one standard of construction. That is just what Utah did when they created the Utah Energy Code and started requiring a Rescheck Energy report for every new home, addition, alteration, or commercial building that was constructed there. This assures that one common standard is used and eliminates guess work and impartial treatment of similar projects throughout the state.
The Utah Energy Code insures that all the components of the home are suitable for Utah’s varying climate conditions. The roof needs to have plenty of insulation. The walls should also be properly insulated. Windows and door must be energy efficient and these standards are checked directly by a Utah Rescheck using the Utah Energy Code. Finally, the foundation must be properly insulated on any new home built in Utah in order to get a permit. The Utah Energy Code and Utah Reschecks ensure all these components are properly and efficiently designed.
If you are starting a new construction project in Utah and need help with a Rescheck simply give us a call at 865-235-6277 or email us your plans at We can tell you if your project will pass or fail for free. Then, should you need the full report, checklist, and compliance certificate to receive your building permit we charge a simple fee of $79 for any size plan in the great state of Utah. When you get ready for your next Rescheck report or new construction project using the Utah Energy Code we would love to hear from you.