In the world of construction we hear every day on our Rescheck Helpline and in our customer feedback forums, “we wish everyone involved in our construction project was like”.  To us that is the greatest compliment we can receive, because everyday we take your feedback and try to fine tune our service to make the process, reports, and individual projects better.

Last week we did a record number of Rescheck and Manual J reports.  One of the ways that we Over Promise and Over Deliver is that we have the fastest turnaround time in the industry.  We offer a 24 hour guarantee any day of the week or your Rescheck or Manual J is free.  Even with this revolutionary guarantee we strive to turnaround most projects in 4-6 hours.  During a week like last week in a busy construction season it would be easy to see that 4-6 hour lead time change on most construction processes.   Instead of taking longer to get out our energy reports completed we actually averaged right at 3 hours and 47 minutes to complete each report.  We even handled 4 emergency plans that we completed as a team and were able to turn around much faster.  One way that has become the industry leader in Rescheck and Manual J reporting is by offering the best lead times and then over delivering.

The next area where we go above and beyond on our Rescheck and Manual J Reporting is our low cost and super simple pricing.  Many companies in the home energy audit business have pricing structure’s so complex that you need a PHD in math to just to figure out what your Rescheck or Manual J will cost.  The confusion they create with complex formulas for pricing only benefit them and give you an ultimate sticker stock when your bill is due.  At we only charge $79 for either a Rescheck or Manual J.  Which is about 1/3 of the cost of our nearest competitor.  Then we take it to the next level by offering the industry’s first ever Rescheck and Manual J combo pack for a discounted price of only $129.  A great way for for Over Promise and Over deliver is to give you the best pricing available today and make the pricing structure super simple to use.  $79 for one energy report or $129 for a combo pack of the Rescheck and room by room Manual J no matter where your project is located, or the size of your plan.

Our final area we would like to discuss today on the Reschexpert blog is something that our customer’s appreciate the most.  We offer free lifetime changes to your Rescheck or Manual J for the life of the construction project.  We found it flat our unfair that all Rescheck and Manual J reporters in the industry charged the customer a minimum of $50 per hour to correct or revise previously completed Rescheck and Manual J reports.  To flip the coin back to the side of the customer we decided to make all changes for our clients free of charge for the life of the project.  This means if you give us your business and you make changes during the construction project we will make modifications to your Rescheck quickly, happily and for free.  Even if you make your changes 5 years after your project is completed we will pull your Rescheck or Manual J report from our files, modify it, and send it back to you free of charge.

In a world were the level of customer service and personal attention seems to dwindle by the day, set out to make the Rescheck report and room by room Manual J heat loss calculations the easiest portion of every construction project.  We do this by promising one thing and doing our best to deliver the best and most we can on every project for the lowest possible cost.  We appreciate your business and if you are ready to get a project started simply send your plans to  We will print off your plans and handle all your Rescheck and Manual J calcs.  As soon as the report is ready we will send you a back a project synopsis and invoice.