At What Time in My Construction Project Should I Start My Rescheck? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss when is the best time to get a Rescheck or Manual J started on your construction project.
Many states, cities, and jurisdictions have building departments and inspectors that require home energy audits on every project that they give a building permit to. Because the amount of insulation you need in your walls, foundation, and roof can affect the sizing of your studs and joists it is essential to consider your Rescheck and Manual J very early in your project.
For years this was made difficult by the fact that home energy audit providers ripped off the homeowner, builder, architect, engineer, and building inspector by charging hundreds of dollars to make a change to a Rescheck report. When we designed our Rescheck, Manual J, and Home Energy Audit Service we flipped this practice on its head. By offering free lifetime modifications to every Rescheck and Manual J we create we allow the homeowner the flexibility to have their Rescheck or Manual J created early. Then as their project progresses they can have it modified as their actual new home construction, addition, or home alteration is underway. We will modify the Rescheck Report or Manual J an unlimited amount of times for a charge of $0.
Just to give an example scenario imagine that your home was designed to use 2×4 walls, but it was only possible to pass a Rescheck in your jurisdiction using an R-19 batt which unfortunately needs a 2×6 to be installed properly. This would be something you might want to know before you purchased, subcontracted, or installed the 2×4 wall. The advantage to using a Reschexpert to create your Rescheck Home Energy Report is that in the end you might still be able to use the 2×4 wall, by adding more insulation to other areas like the roof, foundation, or using more efficient windows and doors. A home energy audit expert from can help you put together the most cost effective insulation package for your home, building code, site, and project.
The best part about getting your Rescheck created early on your project is that we work fast, charge a single low cost, and are here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We charge a single low price of $79 for any size blueprint. We return your Rescheck report to you in 4-6 hours. Once you have your home energy audit all you have to do is click “print” and turn it into your building inspector. We have effectively made the Rescheck the easiest part of your construction project.
If you are ready to get your Rescheck report started simply email your blueprints to We will print off a full size set of your plans, start your calculations, and send you a project recap and invoice once it is complete. Thank you for reading the Reschexpert Blog. The web’s #1 resource on Reschecks, Manual J’s, Green Homes, Home Energy Audits, IECC 2018, IECC 2015, IECC 2012, and IECC 2009 Reschecks and Energy Codes.