Why might it make sense to hire an outside energy auditor to perform your Manual J or Rescheck on a new construction, addition, or alteration? This is a question many of our clients and readers have so I thought we would address today on the Reschexpert blog.
The first reason it makes sense is time. When you create your first Rescheck or Manual J you can easily spend 10-12 hours working to figure out the details of the softwares and how to create your reports correctly. At Rescheck.info we prepare our reports in 4-6 hours so in this instance it makes sense to hire an outside auditor if your time is limited.
Money is the second reason outsourcing your Manual J or Rescheck might be a good option. If you are worth more than $25 per hour at your current job then the 4-6 hours you will spend creating your Rescheck or Manual J will cost you $100-$150 in opportunity costs. In this instance as well it makes sense to use Rescheck.info’s $79 service to have your report created.
An outside look at your project is the final reason why it makes sense. Even after your final mortgage or construction loan payment is made your energy bills will continue to arrive. The cost of not insulating a home properly can easily cost you more than the home itself over the total life of the structure. It is easy to get tunnel vision while designing a home whether you are a contractor, engineer, homeowner, architect, or insulation subcontractor. Having an outside source review the energy side of your plans makes a lot of sense when it comes to having piece of mind that your insulation envelope is what it needs to be for your climate zone. Rescheck.info can handle this for you.
In closing having an outside energy auditor look at your construction project before it is constructed it a very intelligent move. If you are ready to let us take a look at your project and complete a Rescheck or Manual J then all you need to do is email us a set of your plans to service@rescheck.info. We will complete your Rescheck or Manual J and send you an invoice in 4-6 hours when it is complete. Thanks again for reading and stay tuned to the Reschexpert blog for the most up to date and relevant info on green homes, insulation, and construction.