Do It Yourself Comcheck
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to talk about Rescheck’s commercial cousin, the Comcheck. While Reschecks and Comchecks share many similarities there are also some differences. Join us as we discuss Comchecks as they pertain to to your commercial construction projects.
A Comcheck report looks at the components of your commercial building. First it looks at the ceiling and the r value, then the wall and its r value, and the foundation and the r value. Then it looks at the components of the structure like the windows and doors and their insulation values. The next step is to enter in your interior and exterior lighting information. Once this information is compiled and entered into the Comcheck Web or Comcheck Desktop software you can check your pass and fail scores. One of the major differences in Rescheck and Comcheck software is that Rescheck will give you one pass or fail score. A Comcheck report will give you three. You get one score for the structure, one score for interior lighting and one score for exterior lighting if you have chosen the reduced power lighting option.
Some options for getting your Comcheck created are that you can do it yourself, you can ask your architect to create it along with your plans, or you can hire a Comcheck service provider to generate the report for you. If you have exhausted your options on a DIY Comcheck, and your architect would like someone else to create the Comcheck then we suggest a Comcheck service called they charge minimal fees to create a Comcheck and their service standards are industry best.
If your construction project needs a Comcheck report to get moving again then it is time to get your comcheck started. Whether you decide to create it yourself or you hire to create it for you we think you will find the Comcheck web and Comcheck desktop softwares easy to use and very user friendly. Thanks again for reading the Reschexpert blog as we discuss the ins and outs of Comcheck Energy Reporting.