Comcheck Web Outage 404 Error Rescheck Web 404 Error
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
On Today’s issue of the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss a current outage of both Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web. We first noticed it yesterday around 3:00 pm and 21 hours later it is still ongoing. In this issue we want to talk to you about, causes, workarounds, and when we anticipate the outage might end.
We have to assume that since both Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web are down simultaneously that it must be a planned outage for some type of backend or server maintenance. For webmasters and database administrators the holidays typically see outages on nights and weekends as they upgrade sites behind the scenes. We have zero reason to believe what is happening right now with Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is something different.
If you navigate to Rescheck Web or Comcheck Web this is the 404 error you will see.

Comcheck Web 404 Outage Rescheck Web 404 Outage
After finding this 404 outage screen on Rescheck Web or Comcheck Web you have options. The easiest would be to download Rescheck Desktop or Comcheck Desktop. This will be possible except for one instance. If you are working on a project with IECC 2018 you will not be able to complete a project right now. Without Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web in working order you cannot access these codes in the respective desktop version. Your only option is to wait. Also if your project is saved on the cloud at Rescheck Web or Comcheck Web you will need to wait to access the .cck or .rck files until the sites are back up. In a pinch you can simply recreate the Rescheck or Comcheck from scratch using Rescheck Desktop or Comcheck Desktop.
“With the current Rescheck Web Outage IECC 2018 Reschecks are impossible to create right now.” 11/29/19 12:45 pm
In past instances the sites have been back up by Monday morning at 5 am Eastern so we will base our hypothesis of when Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web will be back on line on this assumption. As soon as we find that the sites are back up you can we will post to Reschexpert blog so be sure to follow for all the latest news on the Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web 404 outage.