Troubleshooting Rescheck Software Work Arounds
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
With recent outages and Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web we have been asked many times about what types of work arounds exist when Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web are showing an error page. Most recently we logged in to find a 404 error, but also have seen error generating a PDF, and service unavailable errors in the past few weeks.
Your first option should be to download a copy or Rescheck Desktop. This will install the software on your hard drive and then you can create your Rescheck using the local version of the Rescheck creation software. The one issue lies in the fact that you cannot do an IECC 2018 in Rescheck Desktop and any .rck files you have stored on Rescheck Web will not be available for use on Rescheck Desktop.
The next work around for when you need access to Rescheck Web for the instance of creating an IECC 2018 Rescheck or Comcheck or accessing files that are stored within the Rescheck Web cloud is to try a different browser. Many times when I have errors while using Rescheck Web or Comcheck Web simply changing my browser can fix some bugs. I swap from Chrome to Microsoft Edge and then back and forth until I can complete the project. This does not always work, but sometimes it will.
The next workaround for trouble loading Rescheck Web or Comcheck Web is to try an incognito tab on your browser. It is totally possible some type of timeout, cookie, or inner browser issue is causing the Rescheck Web malfunction and error. Sometimes using a discrete incognito browser from within your browser settings will allow you assess the Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web cloud interface. One word of caution is that you may need to remember your password and username when accessing Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web this way because incognito browsing does not always have access to all username and password data that your regular browser might.
The final method for accessing Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web during a routine maintenance meltdown is similar to paying chestnut checkers. You see, your smart phone will be able to access Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web in a different way than your local desktop and laptop might. I have seen instances where the the desktop online version of Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web are down while looking at them on my mobile phone displayed them perfectly. If you need to access an existing file then you can easily login, download the RCK or CCK file to your mobile phone. Email the cck or rck file to yourself. Download it on your laptop and complete the Rescheck or Comcheck using Rescheck Desktop or Comcheck Desktop. Or if the change is simple enough just complete it using your phone. I would always download the file first though so if the cloud version malfunctions you have a downloaded copy ready to go.
Thanks again for reading our Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web workarounds and tutorials for creating free Reschecks, DIY Reschecks, and Do it yourself comchecks. If you need these reports created for you, we can do it for you. Simply email plans to along with jobsite address and square footage. We will get you taken care of. Thanks for reading the Reschexpert blog.