In todays issue of the Reschexpert blog we will discuss with you the commonly asked questions of, what is a Rescheck service.  If your building inspector has requested a Rescheck on a construction project you may find yourself asking this very question.  Alternatively this question could be swapped for What is a Manual J service, What is a Manual S service, What is a Comcheck service, or what is a Manual D service.  It basically depends on what you need so apply this DIY home energy audit accordingly.

The first step to realizing you need a Rescheck Service is realizing that you might not be able to complete the Do It Yourself Rescheck, all by your self.  Not to worry, there are plenty of services set up across the internet offering a Rescheck Service.  A Rescheck Service basically acts as a consultant and data analyzer for your construction project.  To them you will submit a PDF of plans, jobsite address, square footage, and inform them of any abnormalities on the project that are not detailed on your plans.  The Rescheck Creator will then input your construction projects data into either Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop.  After the data is input for Rescheck, the software will give you a pass or fail score.

In the event of a fail, the Rescheck service should reach out to you and let you know what options are available to make your project satisfactory in your climate zone.  Upping the insulation in ceilings, walls, windows, doors, and foundation are all common when trying to reach compliance.  Also sometime simply asking a Rescheck client to double check their R values with their contractor can shed light on areas that actually were intended to be better insulated.  This whole process of checks and double checks is what allows your Rescheck to be correct.

After the Rescheck is updated and passes it is sent back to you.  You will then submit the report to your building inspector.  At this point the building department may have more specific requirements that they would like to see.  Send this written notice back to your Rescheck service and they can update the specifications.  We provide free modifications on all of our Reschecks, although most other Rescheck services charge $75-$150 in penalties and fees so buyer beware.

Once the modifications are made to your building department’s specs in Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop you will resubmit, receive your building permit, and complete your construction.  The Rescheck service would then keep your Rescheck on file in case you ever needed a backup copy.  

This is an in depth look at what a Rescheck service will do when creating your Rescheck, Manual J, Manual S, Manual D, or Comcheck.  If you need an energy report generated for you simply email your plans, jobsite address, and square footage to  Also be sure to let us know whether you need a Rescheck, Comcheck, Manual J, Manual S, or Manual D.  Thanks for reading the Reschexpert blog.

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Rescheck Service
What is a Rescheck Service?
Rescheck Service, Manual J Service, Manual S Service, Manual D Service
What is a Rescheck Service?,United States- Telephone No.865-235-6277
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Low cost fast Rescheck, Manual J, Manual S, Manual D service
What is a Rescheck Service?