Along with review different types of free rescheck and free manual j software we also like to follow different technologies important to the home energy audit industry like payment softwares. This has led us to be industry leaders in the ways Reschecks are purchased and paid for. Checking out on line for a Rescheck, Manual J, Manual S, Manual D, or Comcheck was revolutionized by with lightning speed and precision. Now you can see our mark all over the DIY home energy audit and Rescheck service energy as the setup of other Rescheck and Manual J sites becomes very similar to our own. We find that imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
With the continued line of industry leading innovations we would like to announce several new ways to pay for your home energy audits. If you are purchasing a Rescheck, Comcheck, Manual J, Manual S, or Manual D you are now able to pay with either Paypal’s Venmo or Square’s Cash app. Simply pick your reports and add up what the total is.
Our Venmo user name is: rescheck
Our Cash App user name is: $rescheck
You can simply enter the app of your choice and forward the payment to us for your energy report. If you prefer to pay online you can still simply visit and check out with your credit card. With either payment method you can then send your order confirmation number, plans, jobsite address, and square footage. We will take care of your energy report and email it back to you as soon as it is ready.
We are glad to announce these two new methods to pay for a Rescheck, Comcheck, Manual J, Manual S, or Manual D. As we strive to help DIY rescheck creators be more efficient in all forms of home energy audits we want to provide a 360 view of the Rescheck service industry. Providing these two new ways to pay with Paypal’s Venmo and Square’s Cash app are just two new ways we can help our customer’s use their preferred payment method.
Thanks for reading the Reschexpert blog. Happy Reschecking.