On today’s episode of the Reschexpert Blog I want to discuss with you how to make a Rescheck in Canada.  There are some specific hacks, tricks, and tips to creating a Canadian Rescheck the first time and I want to share them with you.

First off if you are in Canada you will only have one choise for the software that you will use.  Rescheck Desktop which includes US states does not include Canada.  However if you move over to the could based Rescheck Web Rescheck software and you enter a large enough Canadian city into the Location tab then you will find that Canada is supported.  See my Canadian Rescheck example graphic below

Canada Rescheck, Canada Manual J, Canada, Manual S, Canada Manual D, Canada Comcheck, Canadian Rescheck, Canadian Manual J, Canadian Manual S, Canadian Manual D, Canadian Comcheck

Canada Rescheck, Canada Manual J, Canada, Manual S, Canada Manual D, Canada Comcheck, Canadian Rescheck, Canadian Manual J, Canadian Manual S, Canadian Manual D, Canadian Comcheck


The second tip after finding the Canadian city of your choice is to think about using IECC 2018 as your Canadian Rescheck code.  My theory about why Canada is only included in the Rescheck Web Rescheck software and not the Rescheck Desktop software is that in Canada typically IECC 2018 will be used.  Seeing as how Rescheck Web is the only Rescheck software to support IECC 2018 for Reschecks, we could then infer that Canada may prefer to use IECC 2018.  As always, if you are in Canada and you require a Rescheck then asking your building inspector which IECC Energy Code he would like to use can save time and money.  It may stand that the city you want to build an addition, alteration, or new construction project in is using an older code like IECC 2009, IECC 2012, or IECC 2015.  However, even if you are using an older IECC code then you will still have to use Rescheck Web to create your Canadian Rescheck because Canadian cities are only supported in Rescheck Web.

Just wanted to say thank you for reading the Reschexpert blog and say a special thank you to all our Canadian Reschexpert blog readers.  If you need a Rescheck, Manual J, Manual S, Manual D, or Comcheck in Canada simply email plans jobsite address and square footage to service@rescheck.info and we will get you taken care of.


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Canada Rescheck, Canada Manual J, Canada, Manual S, Canada Manual D, Canada Comcheck
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Canada Rescheck, Canada Manual J, Canada, Manual S, Canada Manual D, Canada Comcheck
Canada Rescheck, Canada Manual J, Canada, Manual S, Canada Manual D, Canada Comcheck, Canadian Rescheck, Canadian Manual J, Canadian Manual S, Canadian Manual D, Canadian Comcheck
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