In today’s issue of the Reschexpert blog we will look at who has the final say, if my Rescheck will work or not.
In construction there are many players. The homeowner, the engineer, the architect, the contractor, the subs, and the building inspector. So which one of these key players has the final say as to whether they will accept your Rescheck or not?
We see this question on a daily basis. My Rescheck passes, but the the building department is asking us to change an item, who has the final say? In this instance it is hard to levy a guess, but I tend to think that the building inspector and building department who have jurisdiction of the jobsite address being Reschecked would have the final word on how they would like to see calculations completed.
One example is Houston Texas. If you fill out a Rescheck with R30 in the roof system and reasonable wall, windows, doors, and a slab it will probably pass. However, Houston has a set of local rules that will ultimately make you upgrade this roof system to R 38. This is just one of the many instances all around the country, but an easy one to understand for beginner Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop software users.
So basically even though your architect, engineer, contractor, or sub contractors have built a specific way for years and have a passsing Rescheck for the jurisdiction you are building in it will ultimately be up to the building department and building inspector to make you or us aware of any local standards that might be in play. Therefore I would say that the building department and building inspector will always have the final say as to whether you Rescheck will work for their local construction codes, or not.
If you need a Rescheck email plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.