Rescheck Help
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
Rescheck Help
Today we want to discuss a common need of our readers and that is needing help with a Rescheck, or Rescheck Help. They may also be needing assistance with other energy reports for building permit like Manual J, Manual S, Manual D, or Comcheck. We can also provide help for those as well.
The reason that energy reports for building permits require help is that there is no set method on how to learn the preparation of these reports. The main thing that you need to become proficient is time and practice. Doing Reschecks on as many different types, location, and codes of Rescheck as possible will give you the proficiency to create accurate Reschecks without needing help.
When you do need help you can do some research. offers a full Rescheck encyclopedia of 3000+ blog posts on Rescheck News, Rescheck Examples, Rescheck Samples, Rescheck Web Troubleshooting, and many other topics that the Do It Yourself Rescheck creator might need help with.
After your research and practice is finished and you are still having problems creating a Rescheck the next step is to reach out to a professional. Sometimes working through it yourself and then seeing an example of how someone else would prepare a Rescheck for the same plan can create breakthroughs.
If you are still stumped on your Rescheck and need help getting it finished then you can email plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of. We can also prepare Manual J, Manual S, Manual D, and Comcheck.