Welcome to the Reschexpert blog. Today we want to discuss some considerations you might want to take into account if you have not created a Rescheck in a while. Many builders, contractors, homeowners may be building 1 or 2 homes every 12-18 months so some of the most recent changes and updates to Rescheck software (Rescheck Desktop and Rescheck Web) could go unnoticed until it is too late. Lets take a look at those below

The first item we have is the Red Slab Error message. In the simplest terms let me explain what this means. In the past you have been able to increase insulation in other areas to compensate for areas with less insulation. This statement no longer applies to slab foundations. If your climate zone requires R10 in the slab, then you will need have R10 in the slab, no matter how much insulation you place in other areas of your home. If you do not add the perscribed insulation to your slab foundation the project will automatically fail until you do. This will drive you bonkers until you figure out what is making your Rescheck fail, now you know. So keep an eye on your slab in your next Rescheck and make sure you have the correct amount of insulation in your slab for Reschecks moving forward.

The next item you may see is the addition of IECC 2021 to Rescheck Web. Now you can find the newest IECC 2021 code in the cloud based version of Rescheck software named, Rescheck Web. This just came about recently and allows you to use the latest option. Some key notes to consider is that this code can be substantially harder to pass than IECC 2009, IECC 2012, IECC 2015, and IECC 2018 so if you see that your local building department has switched to IECC 2021, as many have, then you will want to take a look at your Rescheck calculations sooner rather than later. This can help you avoid surprises like not having framing thick enough to accommodate required insulation, too high window U values or SHGC, or not having enough insulation in your slab for your climate zone.

The final item to consider is that maybe with all the new homes, additions, and alterations that you are scheduled to handle this upcoming construction season, it might be time to outsource some, or all of your Rescheck projects. Let me explain. You have something that you specialize at whether it is drawing plans, hammering nails, or selling new home construction to the end user. Rescheck requires some specialization and you must keep up with the codes. At the point where creating Reschecks takes up more time than it is worth is the time when you should consider using Rescheck.info as a Rescheck Service to create your Reschecks. We charge $79 for any size Rescheck, we prepare them in 4-6 hours, and we offer free lifetime modifications. If you have a Rescheck that is beyond your ability level send it to us to take a look. We only need plans, jobsite address, and square footage on most projects and we can definitely save you time and money.

Thanks again for reading our pride and joy, the Reschexpert blog. We constantly scour Rescheck software to help end users like you make the best do it yourself Reschecks possible. Keeping up with code changes, software tips and tricks, and procedure changes can be a tedious job so let us handle it for your at the Reschexpert blog. Thanks again for reading.

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Considerations For Your Next Rescheck
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Considerations For Your Next Rescheck
Considerations For Your Next Rescheck. What items have been updated in Rescheck that might affect your next construction project?
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