This is a Realtime update on the Department of Energy’s Rescheck Web software. This afternoon when logging in I noticed there was an error message instead of the typical software. You can see a copy of that image as the Featured image of this blog post. If you logged in to Rescheck Web today you no doubt witnessed it as well.
First, let me say that is not down, nor are we the owner of Rescheck Web. We use the Department of Energy’s fabulous Rescheck software products and try to keep end users and Do It Yourself Rescheck creators abreast of all the latest happenings in Rescheck News and Rescheck information.
Basically what this means is that the server is down for maintenance, experienced overload, or needs to be reset. This is my guess. Here are the key things you can take from the Rescheck Web Sever’s Error message.
Rescheck Web Server Port 80 Error
Rescheck Service Unvailable,
Rescheck Server is Temporarily Down,
Rescheck Capacity Problems,
Rescheck Maintenance Downtime
Now in plain English I must suspect that between Valentine’s Day and the Super Bowl earlier this week someone might have forgot to reset the server. It could also be routine maintenance.
What do I expect for the return of Rescheck Web functionality? Usually these down moments only last for 24-48 hours but we will definitely have to wait and see. Could the Department of Energy be adding IECC 2021 to Rescheck Web today? Yes, that is a distinct possibility.
What can you do in the meantime? Well, the one thing you cannot do is a IECC 2018 Rescheck today because the functionality is only available on Rescheck Web so users who need this code will simply need to be patient.
Here is a list of codes available strictly in Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop Softwares
We have some workarounds available at if you need help we can still get Reschecks created today even with the Rescheck Outage and we would be glad to help. Simply email plans, jobsite address and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.