IECC 2024 Energy Code Rescheck
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to take a deep dive into the deep end of energy codes and look at what is coming up next. IECC 2021 recently was added to softwares like the Department of Energy’s Rescheck Desktop, Rescheck Web, Comcheck Desktop and Comcheck Web. The crazy thing is about energy codes that with a 3 year cycle as soon as the new one is launched. The next one gets underway.
With the recent launch of IECC 2021 we are now seeing a very well developed energy code that has mindfulness of the previous codes and very smooth transistion. People were interested to hear about the “Efficiency Package for IECC 2021” that you must choose on the opening page of an IECC 2021 Rescheck. Most of the other software based inputs are very similar to the older Rescheck codes like IECC 2018 rescheck, IECC 2015 rescheck, IECC 2012 rescheck, IECC 2009 rescheck. Plus many more.
I do find it interesting the staying power of the IECC 2009 code. There are many states that still use it flawlessly. Even with the code now being a teenager, the states that require IECC 2009 for Rescheck have the advantage of the following:
By keeping the same code for many years they understand what a project requires and are not having to spend additional money to educate building departments on new codes.
Builders, architects and engineers know exactly what to expect in these areas and create energy efficient consistently because by using a familiar energy code they understand building inspectors expectations.
Cost. Constantly modifying a jurisdiction code package is costly. Although the energy savings will eventually outweigh the cost of an upgrade, you must take the cost of a switch from a Rescheck code like IECC 2009 to IECC 2021 into account.
So as we move forward with the IECC 2024 codes, one can only speculate as to what features will come to exist and what requirements will made mandatory. Our other questions we have for the IECC 2024 energy code will be:
The recent update to Rescheck Desktop did allow users to now use IECC 2021 in Rescheck Desktop. This was after a period of Rescheck Web being frequently updated with the newer codes and Rescheck Desktop being left missing some key codes like IECC 2018 and 2021 for a while. Will IECC 2024 be available on both Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop from the initial launch? Or will the preference for the launch continue to be a release on to Rescheck Web then a subsequent launch of the IECC energy code on Rescheck Desktop later. Furthermore, will Comcheck Web and Comcheck Desktop have the ability to create a IECC 2024 Comcheck at the same time as their residential software cousins Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop?
While there are many things to ponder about the development and launch of the IECC 2024 energy code, there is one thing for sure. The Reschexpert blog will continue to try and keep up with the ever changing world of home energy auditing. With energy prices skyrocketing the time to care about and follow energy code updates is now. So stick with the Reschexpert blog, and if you need help with a home energy report email us a PDF of plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.