Rescheck Example vs Rescheck Tutorial
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss two common items and how they might become confused. Rescheck examples are very common at helping DIY and Do it yourself Rescheck creators. Also a Rescheck Tutorial can help a Rescheck creator work their way through a Rescheck as well. So what is the exact differences between a Rescheck Example and a Rescheck Tutorial. Take a look at this Rescheck Example vs Rescheck Tutorial in depth guide.
Jobe Leonard wrote this Reschexpert blog post for He enjoys helping others with energy reports.

Jobe Leonard
Rescheck Example vs Rescheck Tutorial
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss two common items and how they might become confused. Rescheck examples are very common at helping DIY and Do it yourself Rescheck creators. Also a Rescheck Tutorial can help a Rescheck creator work their way through a Rescheck as well. So what is the exact differences between a Rescheck Example and a Rescheck Tutorial. Take a look at this Rescheck Example vs Rescheck Tutorial in depth guide.
Rescheck Example has the following traits:
Rescheck examples are created using Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop
Rescheck examples can contain one the following energy codes: IECC 2009, IECC 2012, IECC 2015, IECC 2018, IECC 2021, Florida 2017, Massachusetts 2020, Denver 2019, 2017 Washington DC, 2016 NYECC, 2020 NYECC, 2020 NYStretch – IECC 2018, Puerto Rico, Utah 2012, and Vermont 2020. IECC 2024 may be added shortly.
A Rescheck example would be a 10-13 page PDF or printed report.
A Rescheck example would contain a page or two of envelope calculations, an checklist, and a compliance certificate.
Rescheck examples are helpful because seeing what the end product of a Rescheck looks like before starting a Rescheck can give the end user confidence.
A Rescheck example for over 750 cities and codes can be found on
A Rescheck example is typically free.
Rescheck examples can be compared to your finished Rescheck to see what areas of the Rescheck passing and failing can be improved or adjusted.
A Rescheck example may be available from your building department or building inspector when they require difficult, complicated, or rarely used items or notations to appear on the Rescheck.
Now lets looks at the features of a Rescheck Tutorial
A Rescheck Tutorial is an in depth guide that walks you through the use of Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop to create a Rescheck.
A Rescheck Tutorial will probably take 10-15 minutes to watch.
Completing your first Rescheck using a Rescheck Tutorial could take 10-12 hours as you work back and forth from the guide, to the software, from your plans, to the computer, and create your report.
A Rescheck Tutorial is similar to a lecture in high school or a college class. An instructor shows you the proper use of the Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop product. Then you have an opportunity to practice the trade yourself.
A Rescheck Tutorial is typically free.
Over 45 Rescheck Tutorials are available at on the Reschexpert blog.
Your building department, building officials, or local green coalitions may also offer Rescheck Tutorials in person.
Rescheck tutorials offer a step by step approach to learning Rescheck creation.
Rescheck tutorials are a fun way to learn Rescheck techniques by yourself or with others.
Rescheck tutorials can show you how to create a Rescheck from start to finish.
Overall Rescheck examples and Rescheck tutorials have plenty of aspects that share similarities. In this version of Rescheck example vs Rescheck tutorial we have been tasked to choose one as the winner. Since the more in depth approach to Rescheck learning is a Rescheck tutorial we will choose it as the winner. Rescheck examples are great, but only having a PDF to learn by can leave you in the dark on the more complex intricacies of Rescheck report creation online. A Rescheck tutorial giving you the knowledge and power to create a Rescheck is a great resource and also the winner of this Reschexpert battle.
We thank you for reading the Reschexpert blog. If you end up needing us to create a Rescheck for you, we can. We charge only $79 for any size plans and can have it created in 4-6 hours. The process works like this. Email a PDF plan, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.
Free Rescheck Example vs Free Rescheck Tutorial PDF
Free Rescheck Example vs Free Rescheck Tutorial PDF