At we hear many different pronunciations and see so many spellings of the word Rescheck on a daily basis, we wanted to dive deeper into the actual word Rescheck. This Rescheck blog post shows what types of spellings and uses of the word are the most popular. We know from using spell check, voice to text, and ChatGPT that the word can get mumbled and distorted in all types of ways. Let's take a closer look at the word Rescheck now. Here are the different ways Rescheck is spelled and used.
Author Jobe Leonard of’s Reschexpert blog. He studies the semantics of Rescheck and how it is displayed in literature and would like to share his insights with you.
12 Ways to Spell Rescheck, Which One is Correct?
At we hear many different pronunciations and see so many spellings of the word Rescheck on a daily basis, we wanted to dive deeper into the actual word Rescheck. This Rescheck blog post shows what types of spellings and uses of the word are the most popular. We know from using spell check, voice to text, and ChatGPT that the word can get mumbled and distorted in all types of ways. Let’s take a closer look at the word Rescheck now. Here are the different ways Rescheck is spelled and used.
Res check: This is a very common rendition of the word. It takes the Res portion of the Rescheck word and separates it from the check effectively making it a 2 part word.
Res-check: This hypehnated version of the word Rescheck churches up the word by adding a hyphen that truly shows the distinction between the Res and the check.
Rezcheck: This version of Rescheck would score you plenty of points in the game scrabble by using the sometimes unpopular letter Z in the word Rescheck. When I use voice to text this is how I have to pronounce the word Rescheck to get it translated properly. Saying “Rezzzzcheck” is the only way I can get a spelling that is somewhat favorable to what I am looking for even after thousands of attempts and many years of training my AI devices and smart home appliances.
Resczech: This is a version I see from users that land on our website from European IP addresses.
Resczheck: Similar to the version above with a tip of the hat to how Rescheck might be spelled across the Atlantic.
Reschech: This is more of a keyboard slip than an actual pronunciation that I hear.
Resceck: This version leaves out the H in Rescheck. Still a very common version that we see on a daily basis.
Reschecked: This is a past tense version of the word Rescheck. An example would be, I Reschecked a duplex yesterday.
Reschecking: This is a present tense version of the word Rescheck. You could use it by saying, I am Reschecking an addition to a home today.
Reschecker: This is a person that prepares Rescheck reports for others. For example, like a Rescheck service. A person preparing online Rescheck reports is a Reschecker. Someone would say, just send that report over to the Reschecker to take a look at the IECC energy code compliance.
Rescheck: This is the most common spelling of the word, however it is not actually correct. I feel like this version is used quite often, because it does not trigger spell check, grammar police, or a college English professor to instantly red line your paper or blog post.
REScheck: This is actually the proper way to spell Rescheck. Straight from the Department of Energy and the Pacific Northwest Laboratory. The people who made the software get to choose the spelling and this is it. One reason you do not see it this way as often is because it seems odd to the human eye to capitalize the first three letters of the word. The word RES stands for Residential. The word check stands for checking the structure’s energy efficiency against IECC, State Specific, and local energy codes. REScheck allows you to look at new construction, additions, and alterations easily and generate a 10-15 page PDF report that tells you if you pass or fail the prevailing energy code.
In the end the spelling of Rescheck, is unimportant. We prefer to use Rescheck a majority of the time, so it does not drive our proofreaders crazy. You can feel free to spell it, say it, and use it however you like. We care nothing about how it is used in terms of grammar. We only care about energy efficiency, energy codes, and creating Rescheck reports as a Rescheck service. If you need a Rescheck form created for you just email us Pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.