Written by Jobe Leonard of Rescheck.info. Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.
There are plenty of options for getting a rescheck created in North Carolina to meet the North Carolina Energy Code. We offer a $79 option for any size plan in the state of North Carolina. The other options you might consider to get your rescheck completed are the following:
- The Architect who designed your plans
- Do it yourself rescheck
- A local engineer
- The HVAC company who you are buying your unit from
- The company that you buying your insulation from
Before you consider any of these options to get your rescheck completed you should calculate the total cost of what it will take to get your rescheck to meet the North Carolina Energy Code. If an architect, HVAC company, Engineer, or Insulation company charges $55 per hour chances are you will pay well over $200 for you rescheck. If your time is worth over $25 per hour it typically takes between 4-6 hours to perform a Rescheck and the first time you do one can take even longer. In this instance it would cost you $100-$150 to complete your rescheck. The final option is to let us handle it. All we do is reschecks for North Carolina’s Energy code and we are ready to accept and turn around your rescheck report today. Give us a call at 865-235-6277 and see just how easy it is to get a quality rescheck with a high level of customer service.
Custom REScheck Report
- Any Plan Any Size Any Code 24 hour turnaround or it’s free.
Custom Manual J Report
- Any Plan Any Size Any Code 24 hour turnaround or it’s free.
REScheck & Manual J Combo Pack of Reports
- Save over 18% when you order both! Any Plan Any Size Any Code 24 hour turnaround or it’s free.