Rescheck Residental State Energy Code Chart
Compiled by Jobe Leonard from the Reschexpert blog and Jobe like researching Rescheck data and creating useful charts for others to create their own energy reports.

Jobe Leonard
Rescheck Energy Code Chart
We developed this custom energy code chart based on multitude of factors involving our experience using Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop. The following methods where used in the creation:
Survey of local building building departments
Interviews with building inspectors
State adopted code information
Data filtering of Reschecks created on our Rescheck Web portal
Sampling of our projects in Rescheck Desktop
Publicly available IECC and ASHRAE code information
You will quickly notice that some states have multiple codes. This is because there may be a state adopted code, but in our research we found a substantial number of jurisdictions using different codes from what is required by the state. This is perfectly normal in world of Rescheck, and you will quickly find that many times the building inspector or building department has preferences based on their local area. Many times these predilections will take priority, and argument of them can prove futile. The building inspector typically has the final say on the Rescheck of a project, and that is why we offer free modifications to your Rescheck. Sometimes the code will change in the middle of a project for example:
You submit your plans on May 1st along with your Rescheck under IECC 2015 code. On July 1st the jurisdiction you are building in modifies their Energy Code to IECC 2018. Since you have not completed your project and obtained a certificate of occupancy, the building inspectors requires a resubmittal of your Rescheck under IECC 2018.
In this instance we would handle the code change on your Rescheck free of charge. Rescheck codes are always changing, being modified, and being upgraded. We do our best to keep on top of it because we are on the front line of meeting with building inspectors, talking with contractors, and helping DIY Rescheck creators through the intricacies of Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop software every day.
Please enjoy this easy to use Rescheck Energy Code Chart:
State Name | Rescheck Code |
Alabama | 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 IECC |
Alaska | IECC 2018 |
Arizona | IECC 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Arkansas | IECC 2009 |
California | Title 24 |
Colorado | IECC 2009 IECC 2012 IECC 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Connecticut | IECC 2021 |
Delaware | IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Florida | IECC 2018 405 Form |
Georgia | IECC 2015 IECC 2018 |
Hawaii | IECC 2018 |
Idaho | IECC 2018 |
Illinois | IECC 2018 |
Indiana | IECC 2018 |
Iowa | IECC 2012 |
Kansas | IECC 2006 IECC 2009 |
Kentucky | IECC 2012 IECC 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Louisiana | IECC 2012 IECC 2021 |
Maine | IECC 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Maryland | IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Massachusetts | IECC 2018 |
Michigan | IECC 2015 IECC 2018 |
Minnesota | IECC 2018 |
Mississippi | IECC 2015 |
Missouri | IECC 2015 |
Montana | IECC 2021 |
Nebraska | IECC 2018 |
Nevada | IECC 2018 |
New Hampshire | IECC 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
New Jersey | IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
New Mexico | IECC 2018 |
New York | IECC 2018 |
North Carolina | IECC 2015 IECC 2018 |
North Dakota | IECC 2018 |
Ohio | IECC 2012 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Oklahoma | IECC 2006 |
Oregon | IECC 2018 |
Pennsylvania | IECC 2018 |
Rhode Island | IECC 2018 |
South Carolina | IECC 2009 |
South Dakota | IECC 2009 |
Tennessee | IECC 2012 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Texas | IECC 2012 IECC 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Utah | Utah 2012 IECC 2015 IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Vermont | IECC 2018 |
| IECC 2012 IECC 2015 IECC 2018 |
Washington | IECC 2021 |
West Virginia | IECC 2009 |
Wisconsin | IECC 2009 |
Wyoming | IECC 2018 IECC 2021 |
Thank you for reading the Reschexpert blog and using our easy to use Rescheck Energy Code Chart. We hope you find this helpful. If you are confounded on which code to use and would like us to create a Rescheck for you, we offer a Rescheck for $79. The service takes 4-6 hours. Simply email us your order number, pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage and we will get your Rescheck completed.
Commercial Construction Comcheck Energy Code Chart