Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to look at the 3 biggest Rescheck Myths. You hear things all the time about building permits, building departments, and building inspectors and the specific things they require on each project. In regards to the Rescheck energy report, we want to look at some common ones that we hear and let you know our opinion on each.
Published by Jobe Leonard of and the Reschexpert blog. Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares for creating Reschecks, Comchecks, and Manual Js.

Jobe Leonard
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to look at the 3 biggest Rescheck Myths. You hear things all the time about building permits, building departments, and building inspectors and the specific things they require on each project. In regards to the Rescheck energy report, we want to look at some common ones that we hear and let you know our opinion on each.
- I can skip insulating my slab in a climate zone that requires it by adding insulation to my roof and walls.
This is untrue. In climate zones where slab insulation is mandatory you can no longer use tradeoffs. The entire slab entry setup changed in Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop and entering less that the mandatory amount of slab insulation for your climate zone results in a automatic failure. Now you must install the required slab insulation. Skipping slab insulation in a mandatory climate zone is no longer an option in Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop. Before your pour your slab on any project, you should consult your Rescheck to make sure that the slab is insulated properly if it is required. Once a slab is poured it is not impossible to insulate to pass a Rescheck, but it does become incrementally more difficult.
- Only an Engineer or an Architect can do Rescheck.
Rescheck software was created by the Department of Energy, and the major value of it was that anyone involved with the construction project can handle the Rescheck. We help DIY Rescheck creators get Reschecks done every day and we see contractors, subcontractors, and homeowners creating perfect Reschecks on a regular basis. So I say, give it a try. Also in some jurisdictions the building inspector may want a stamped and sealed Rescheck created by an Engineer or an Architect. In this example it may be difficult to change this building department Rescheck Policy. An Architect or Engineer would probably be required. However, this type of Engineer and Architect Rescheck policy is rare, because of the restrictive nature. I know of maybe 2 or 3 jurisdictions in the entire United States with this antiquated rule. The software or Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop is built so that everyone involved in the construction project can understand the Energy Code. This puts everyone from the home owner, to the contractor, to the building inspector on the same page as to what need the insulation envelope of the home needs to be, to make the structure pass. The software is easy to use. If a homeowner or DIY Rescheck creator can calculate Reschecks on their own projects, then they should give it a try.
- Rescheck Desktop is better than Rescheck Web.
In the past it has been the case that Rescheck Desktop was lacking Key Energy Codes that made Rescheck Web the hands down Rescheck creation favorite. Recent updates have brought IECC 2018, IECC 2021, (and soon IECC 2024) to Rescheck Web. Rescheck Desktop is still being left out of these updates. This means you cannot use Rescheck Desktop in the same fashion as Rescheck Web at the current time. I live in a rural area and my internet connection is slow and non existent sometimes. So Rescheck Desktop acting as a non cloud based Rescheck creation software has saved me many times from a bad internet connection, because you can use it offline. Rescheck Web is cloud based and can only be reached via the internet. However, with the lack of current relevant energy codes like IECC 2018, IECC 2021, and IECC 2024 it is easy to say that Rescheck Desktop is not better than Rescheck Web currently.
This debunks some common Rescheck Myths. We thank you for reading the Reschexpert blog. If you need help with a Rescheck simple email pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and I will get you taken care of.