Comcheck Web Maintenance Schedule
Comcheck Web Maintenance Schedule
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Comcheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Comcheck, Rescheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to talk about Reschecks commercial and recently more active cousin, Comcheck Web. It seems Comcheck Web will be undergoing some maintenance and as soon as we noticed the warning label we wanted to pass the information on to our Reschexpert blog readers. Here is the message we found when we logged into our Comcheck Web Console today:
“COMcheck-Web will undergo scheduled maintenance starting on Friday, March 15th at 5:00 PM PST. We anticipate resuming normal operations by Saturday, March 16th at 5:00 PM PST.”
This message was written in red at the top of the screen.
What this means is that Comcheck Web will be down for about 24 hours. During this time you have the following options for making Comchecks.
- Download Comcheck Desktop: This will be a good option until Comcheck Web comes back online.
- Do your calculations by hand. This is good practice and then you have them ready to enter into Comcheck Web when it becomes available.
- Get your Comchecks done now!. I just tested Comcheck Web and it is still creating viable Comcheck energy reports. Do your Comcheck now. Do not wait.
- If you did wait and Comcheck Web is not working then you have the option to just wait it out. The Comcheck Web software should be down for less than 24 hours so just wait and then get back to Comchecking when it comes back up.
We hope you enjoy our updates on Comcheck Web and as you noticed recently there is a New Comcheck Web coming out:
Also Rescheck Web is under maintenance too:
At this time of great uncertainty in the home energy audit world stick with the Rescheck and Comcheck Blog you can trust, the Reschexpert blog. If this is all too much and you need us to create a Rescheck or Comcheck for you then simply email PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.