
Check If You Can Use Rescheck Web Feature

Today on the Reschexpert blog we dive into one of the newest feature on Rescheck Web. Recently the Deparment of Energy overhauled their online Rescheck software called Rescheck Web and added a bunch of super new features. As the leader in all types of Rescheck information, we decided to discuss the items one by one. This particular feature allows you to check if you can use Rescheck and Rescheck Web to demonstrate energy code compliance on your new construction, addition, or alteration.

Check If You Can Use Rescheck Web Feature

Today on the Reschexpert blog we dive into one of the newest feature on Rescheck Web. Recently the Department of Energy overhauled their online Rescheck software called Rescheck Web and added a bunch of super new features. As the leader in all types of Rescheck information, we decided to discuss the items one by one. This particular feature allows you to check if you can use Rescheck and Rescheck Web to demonstrate energy code compliance on your new construction, addition, or alteration.

Rescheck vs Comcheck

To find the section we are speaking of you will want to go to Rescheck Web and login. Once there you land on the Rescheck Web project page. The link we are speaking of is located on the right hand side of the Rescheck Web project screen. You can find it between Troubleshooting and Helpful Hints for Rescheck and Glossary of Terms for Rescheck. It is titled “Check if you can use Rescheck.” Click this link and you are taken to a page with a link and a list.

It is currently 2024 and the list and map is from 2018. So we do not find this 6 year old data to be completely inaccurate. However, this is the data created from the host page so we will cover it. On the map you can find color coded states that will let you see what states accept Rescheck, Rescheck Web, and Rescheck Desktop nationwide. Then at the bottom of the screen you see a list of the states. Some are listed just as they are and some contain an asterisk beside them. The ones with an asterisk mean that the Rescheck is not accepted state wide, but can be adopted by local counties and jurisdictions. We find that you can typically use Rescheck nationwide as long as the building department and building inspector are familiar with the output from Rescheck Web, which is a Rescheck report.

Rescheck Web versus Comcheck Web

Here is a list of states that we find can have their energy code requirements settled by Rescheck. The building department may not always accept them at first, but that is only because they do not have familiarity with Rescheck, Rescheck Web, or Rescheck Desktop.

Alabama Rescheck

Alaska Rescheck

Arizona Rescheck

Arkansas Rescheck

California Rescheck

Colorado Rescheck

Connecticut Rescheck

Delaware Rescheck

Florida Rescheck

Georgia Rescheck

Hawaii Rescheck

Idaho Rescheck

Illinois Rescheck

Indiana Rescheck

Iowa Rescheck

Kansas Rescheck

Kentucky Rescheck

Louisiana Rescheck

Maine Rescheck

Maryland Rescheck

Massachusetts Rescheck

Michigan Rescheck

Minnesota Rescheck

Mississippi Rescheck

Missouri Rescheck

Montana Rescheck

Nebraska Rescheck

Nevada Rescheck

New Hampshire Rescheck

New Jersey Rescheck

New Mexico Rescheck

New York Rescheck

North Carolina Rescheck

North Dakota Rescheck

Ohio Rescheck

Oklahoma Rescheck

Oregon Rescheck

Pennsylvania Rescheck

Rhode Island Rescheck

South Carolina Rescheck

South Dakota Rescheck

Tennessee Rescheck

Texas Rescheck

Utah Rescheck

Vermont Rescheck

Virginia Rescheck

Washington Rescheck

West Virginia Rescheck

Wisconsin Rescheck

Wyoming Rescheck

We also came up with a list of our own that is more recent than the 2018 data that is included on Rescheck Web. This is a list of 2024 Rescheck data that shows what codes we found regional building departments using today on the Rescheck reports and energy code projects we submit on a daily basis. We created this to give you up to date, boots on the ground information about the codes that are actually being used to create Reschecks using Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop on a daily basis.

Rescheck Energy Code Chart

If you need to use Rescheck on your project and need a helping hand then email us PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.

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Rescheck Web States that Can Use Rescheck
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Rescheck Web Rescheck Destkop Energy Codes
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Home Energy Audit Certification for building permit