What was updated during the Recent Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web Outage?
What was updated during the Recent Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web Outage?
Published by Jobe Leonard of and the Reschexpert blog. Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares for creating Reschecks, Comchecks, and Manual Js.

Jobe Leonard
We recently wrote about a service outage in the energy auditing software Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web. The software was offline for nearly 80 hours during a scheduled outage. Then it was brought back online. As soon as Comcheck Web and Rescheck Web were brought back online we began testing and entering projects to see if we could notice any changes.
After the most recent update of Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web here are some things we noticed:
Better speed and click-ability on the Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web homepage. One of small things I notice after Rescheck Web or Comcheck Web has not undergone an update is that it works slower. What this means is that if you open or copy a project from your Rescheck Web project page it can take 5-10 seconds to load the next page. After this update the time to wait for your desired page is noticeably faster in the 1-3 second range. I may not be the best gauge of speed because I use slow speed internet in a rural area, but if I am able to load the pages of Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web quickly then surely those with high speed connections will access them instantly.
No new codes. As far as I can tell no new codes were Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web. Also Rescheck Desktop was not updated either. As I look for Easter eggs from energy audit updates new energy codes are the first place that I look. With us being in the mid part of the year I would anticipate the launch of IECC 2024 Rescheck capability in Rescheck Web and Comcheck in the near future. It was not in this update.
This was most likely a server side update. This most likely did some type of behind the scenes update of the software, hardware, servers, and computers that run Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web behind the scenes. Although you may not see the visual results the more Reschecks and Comchecks that you create with Rescheck Web and Comcheck the more you will notice the speed and loading patterns. This can tell you whether the software is running well or might be due for an update.
Overall we were happy with the recent update. We had ample notice that the software going to be taken down. The software was brought back online during the prescribed period. The Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web softwares are now brought back to full usability and able to generate Rescheck and Comcheck reports for DIY Rescheck and Comcheck creators.
If you need a Rescheck or Comcheck report created simply email pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will create the report for you.