Overall, many different energy codes are used on an everyday basis. The most common are IECC 2009, IECC 2012, IECC 2015, IECC 2018, and IECC 2021. We also see many state specific codes that are challenging, yet refreshing to use and practice. The next code we see upcoming is IECC 2024 and we would expect to be able to Rescheck with it sometime in mid 2024.
What are the most popular IECC codes for Rescheck?
There was a time in the past when IECC 2009, IECC 2012, and IECC 2015 ruled the roost when it came to IECC codes for creating Reschecks. Today on the Reschexpert blog, wants to discuss the most popular codes they are seeing on a daily basis for Rescheck reporting. Since many DIY Rescheck report creators are constantly asking, how can I create a Rescheck? Knowing what codes that are used most commonly to create Reschecks is a very important question. Let’s dive in.
IECC 2018. IECC 2018 Rescheck reports had a huge bump in the past 2 years as they were rapidly adopted by many cities, states, and jurisdictions. We really like using this code for Rescheck reporting because we find it fair, well-balanced, and also tough enough to create very energy efficient new home construction, addition, and alterations. Many of the building officals, contractors, architects, and engineers we speak to on a daily basis have the same opinion of the IECC 2018 for Rescheck. We expect that even though this code is now several years old, that many areas will still adopt it as their primary means to grade the energy efficiency of home construction in their areas.
IECC 2021. The IECC 2021 may soon prove to be the largest and fastest adopted energy code in US history. We think the reasoning behind this may be because of the recent passing of the Inflation Reduction Act and the many energy code incentives for homeowners, states, and municipalities that are within the bill. The IECC 2021 is already replacing older energy codes like IECC 2009, IECC 2012, and IECC 2015 in many areas that were sorely due for an energy code update. IECC 2021 has many new challenges that present itself with each new project that is graded under this strict criteria. With the new learning curve, it will also bring many new energy efficient structures to areas that have been using older energy codes to create Reschecks.
IECC 2024. The IECC 2024 is not out just yet, but if you check the calendar it is already 2023 and that means that IECC 2024 is right on the doorstep. It seems like just yesterday that IECC 2021 was becoming a code and being reflected into energy code softwares like Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop. The great thing about the Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is that they never stop improving. Once a new energy code is released every three years they immediately start work on the next one. We greatly admire this commitment to constant improvement of the nation’s energy codes and stand in awe of each new software update, energy code revision, and change to the energy reporting softwares that they manage.
Overall, many different energy codes are used on an everyday basis. The most common are IECC 2009, IECC 2012, IECC 2015, IECC 2018, and IECC 2021. We also see many state specific codes that are challenging, yet refreshing to use and practice. The next code we see upcoming is IECC 2024 and we would expect to be able to Rescheck with it sometime in mid 2024.
If you have a Rescheck that needs created using any code just email us PDF plans, jobsite address, and your square footage to . We charge the modest cost of $79 for a Rescheck and can have it back to you in 4-6 hours so you can move forward with your construction project.