Rescheck Fail Example
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to look at an example of a Rescheck that does not pass. Then look at the questions behind what might be making that Rescheck fail. The particular client had an interest in assigning some r values, u values, and insulation characteristics to different portions of the wall assemble. Will this Rescheck work? Will this Rescheck Pass? Does this Rescheck Fail?
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
Rescheck Fail Example
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to look at an example of a Rescheck that does not pass. Then look at the questions behind what might be making that Rescheck fail. The particular client had an interest in assigning some r values, u values, and insulation characteristics to different portions of the wall assemble. Will this Rescheck work? Will this Rescheck Pass? Does this Rescheck Fail?
Let’s look below:
Reschexpert blog reader:
Hello, I saw your article. Wonder if you can answer a question as I’m having trouble passing my Rescheck. I had a client ask why the U value for an R-21 wall on their Rescheck seems off. I assumed partly due to other elements in the assembly, but those would have lowered the U value on the Rescheck wall assembly and not raised it? I’m attaching a report here so would you look and see if you can answer?
Based on the R 21 in the Rescheck the U should be .47 not .57 Additional sheathing, air spaces, air films, siding, WRB all should increase R and lower U even more. Why did the Rescheck score not improve? Why does my Rescheck Fail?
The .57 is correct. The software does not give extra credit for air spaces, air films, siding, WRB, etc. All things like sheathing and siding are already a part of the type of wall assembly you choose within the software. If you use an actual assembly item that has a rated R value, like a rigid board insulation with R 1. You would place that into the continuous insulation column and that would lower your U value. The other items do not.
In closing you should only enter the items into the Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop that have a printed R value on them. You might find other items that a building inspector will give you credit for on a case by case basis, but you are playing with fire. What if that building inspector leaves in the middle of your Rescheck project and the next person in line is not as understanding? What if the energy code changes in the middle of your project? The best policy on every Rescheck is to let the rated R value items be the ones that are entered into your preferred Rescheck software and not do a double entry of the items like ir spaces, air films, siding, WRB, etc that are already baked into the wall assemblies that are built into Rescheck software.
Reschexpert blog reader:
I appreciate your reply and help with Rescheck. I understand more about Rescheck softwares and the wall systems that are used within Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop.
Thanks again for reading the Reschexpert blog. We helped a reader for free with the questions above and explained their predicament in detail. Then we ended up creating a Rescheck for them. If you are facing a complex Rescheck problem stemming from a Rescheck failing then email us PDF plan, jobsite address, and square footage. We might be able to answer your question. We can create a Rescheck for you as a Rescheck service. We charge $79 and it takes 4-6 hours.