Rescheck Web User Guide Feature
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss the new feature added to the Rescheck Web online Rescheck creation software. When the Department of Energy updated their website for Reschecks they went big. They added multiple features in one day. We are here at the Reschexpert blog to break each item down for you piece by piece. Today we will look at the User Guide for Rescheck and Rescheck Web on the the Rescheck Web website.
Rescheck Web User Guide Feature
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss the new feature added to the Rescheck Web online Rescheck creation software. When the Department of Energy updated their website for Reschecks they went big. They added multiple features in one day. We are here at the Reschexpert blog to break each item down for you piece by piece. Today we will look at the User Guide for Rescheck and Rescheck Web on the the Rescheck Web website.
To navigate to the section we are speaking of you will log in to Rescheck Web.
Then look on the right hand section of the screen. The link we are speaking of is sandwiched between the “What to do if you have been told to do a REScheck” and “Troubleshooting and Helpful Hints for Rescheck.” This section is called “User Guide.”
Once you click on the Rescheck User Guide it will take you to an 11 page PDF. This PDF is all inclusive and gives you an overview of each of the buttons within Rescheck Web. My suggestion is to print off this Rescheck Web User guide and store it in a folder next to the computer that will use to create Reschecks. I have a copy of it next to each of my Rescheck computers and it is saves time and money on each Rescheck that I create.
The Rescheck User Guide starts at the top of the software with a New Rescheck Project. Then you can create a Sample Rescheck Project. You can also Import a Rescheck project. The Pdf shows you how to do each step in depth.
Then you move into building characteristics like Single Family Reschecks and Multifamily Reschecks. Next you will move on to the Envelope and Building Components of a Rescheck and their Compliance.
The section that comes next deals with the UA alternative or UA trade off compliance. This is a U factor x Area or UA calculation that is applied to each component of your new construction, addition or alteration being calculated for Rescheck. The other option is a Performance Alternative Rescheck which does a simulation on your construction project to calculate your Rescheck’s pass or fail score.
The next section of your Rescheck is the components and they are as follows:
Ceiling types for Rescheck
Wall types on a Rescheck
Floor types you can use on a Rescheck
Basement options on a Rescheck
Crawl spaces that can be used for Rescheck
Once you have this information entered you move on to saving the Rescheck, checking compliance of the Rescheck, and then click the Report button in the upper right hand side of Rescheck Web. This will create a PDF of your Rescheck and you are ready for permitting.
If you need a Rescheck created for you we can help. We offer a Rescheck service to create one for you. It takes 4-6 hours and we charge $79. To get your Rescheck created just email your PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.