14 Steps for Reviewing Reschecks.  This is an easy 14 Step Rescheck Review tutorial for anyone needing to review a Rescheck report created using Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop.

Today on the Reschexpert blog we will look at how a Rescheck is reviewed. There are several steps that people take when the receive a Rescheck to make sure it is what they need. So what we want to do is go through some simple steps to help you review your Rescheck. This Rescheck blog post will show you what your building inspector and building department will be looking at when they are reviewing Reschecks.

We created a simple 14 step plan to review Rescheck reports and we will discuss them below.

Step 1: Check the software that was used to create your Rescheck.

There are currently two options to create an official Rescheck report. The options are Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop.

The top line of your Rescheck created using Rescheck Desktop will say:

Generated by REScheck Desktop Software

The top line of your Rescheck created using Rescheck Web will say:

Generated by REScheck Web Software

Either Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop is acceptable software to create Reschecks and this is your first step to reviewing Reschecks.

Free Rescheck Web Is Online (Printable PDF)


Step 2: Check the project name:

The next major portion of the Rescheck is the name of the project. You can name it whatever you wish. Be sure to name it something relevant so that if you need to access your Rescheck RCK or RXL file in the future you can search and find it easily.

Step 3: Find the Energy Code:

The Energy Code is listed next. IECC 2021 example Rescheck , IECC 2018 example Rescheck, IECC 2015 example Rescheck, IECC 2012 example Rescheck , and IECC 2009 example Rescheck are all common Rescheck Energy Codes.  There are many more state specific and ASHRAE energy codes available in Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop depending on your location. Be sure your Energy Code in this location matches what your building department requires for your Rescheck.

Rescheck Energy Code Chart

Step 4: Check the Location:

The location of your project is listed next. If your specific city is not listed within Rescheck Desktop or Rescheck Web software choose a location nearby with a similar climate zone. A bonus tip is to try and see if your county is listed instead of your city.

Step 5: Project Type:

Is the project type correct? Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop allow two project types. The first is Single Family which can be confusing, because it covers 1 and 2 family dwellings like duplexes. The second is multifamily and it is good for structures that are less than 3 stories above the ground. In some instances your building department may require a Comcheck report on all multifamily structures.

Step 6: Square Footage:

Square footage is one of the most important items on any blueprint, permit application, and Rescheck. Make it a point to know the square footage of your project early and check it after any changes are made on your project’s plans.

Step 7: Glazing Area:

Glazing area simplified is a percentage of windows and glass doors compared to the amount of wall areas and expressed a percentage. This is important in some jurisdictions and Homeowner’s Association Design committees because they have preset minimum and maximum Glazing Areas that can be on a new construction, addition, or alteration project. If your Rescheck does not meet these glazing area requirments you might find yourself having to redesign your struture.

Step 8: Climate Zone:

Your climate zone is very important and is tied in with the location you choose to build. The climate zone tells your Rescheck software (Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop) what criteria your project’s envelope will need to generate a passing score.

Step 9: Construction Site, Owner Agent, Designer/Contractor

These are the next items on any Rescheck and they are quite self explanatory. In one section goes your jobsite address. The next section put the project’s owner, and the final section will be the designer or contractor of your project.

Step 10: Rescheck Pass, Rescheck Fail:

This section tells you if your Rescheck passes, or if your Recheck fails. It also gives you a percentage score of how many percentage points your Rescheck is above or below the prevailing code. As you make adjustments to location, envelope components, and insulation values your percentage score will increase and decrease on your Rescheck and could take a failing Rescheck to passing or a passing Rescheck to failing.

Step 11: Check your Envelope Assemblies:

This section should coordinate with your plan and contains ceiling, walls, windows, doors, and foundations on most plans. It will also contain the R values of insulation and U value and SHGC of windows and doors. These envelope assemblies should match up with what is on your plans.

This is a bonus step only if your project uses the newest IECC 2021 Rescheck Energy Code or upcoming IECC 2024 Rescheck Energy Code:

This portion is only applicable to IECC 2021 Rescheck reports and upcoming IECC 2024 Rescheck reports. On the front screen of Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop when creating your Rescheck you will choose an additional efficiency package. You can check the option during this step of your Rescheck review.

Sample IECC 2021 Rescheck

Step 12: Compliance Statement:

This area of the Rescheck is signed and dated. It includes a written paragraph that says that the structure, plans, and specifications meet the energy code for your area in regards to Rescheck.

Step 13: Inspection Checklist:

This is an easy to use checklist that the building deparment can use to inspect your structure during plan reviews and site visits. Some building deparments prefer for portions of this to be filled out before the permitting process. Other building departments will fail your Rescheck if you fill out any of it before turning it in. You may not know what type of Rescheck your building department wanted until several months into the project. That is why we offer free modifications at Rescheck.info

Step 14: Compliance Certificate:

This portion of the Rescheck is completed at the end and contains R values of insulation, U values of windws, brand and model number of HVAC units, and brand and model number of your water heater. Also Ductwork R value in unconditioned spaces is frequently listed. Once signed and dated this portion of the Rescheck is typically placed on the electrical panel or at a place of the building deparment’s choosing around the same time that you receive your certificate of occupancy.

We hope you have enjoyed this in depth look at reviewing Reschecks. We at Rescheck.info take great pride in helping people with Reschecks and we can help you too. We charge only $79 for any size Rescheck and have it back to you in 4-6 hours. If you would like to get started email pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to service@rescheck.info.

Related Links:

Entering data into Rescheck Web, Rescheck Desktop Basic Tutorial


Simple Instructions to Complete a Rescheck

Rescheck Report for Additions

Free Rescheck Web Is Online (Printable PDF)




Review Date
Reviewed Item
Rescheck Energy Report
Author Rating
Software Name
Rescheck Web Rescheck Destkop
Software Name
Windows, MAC, Linux, Android, Mozilla, Chrome, Explorer, Safari,
Software Category
Home Energy Auditing Software