This rendition of the Reschexpert blog looks at obtaining a Rescheck Online versus obtaining a Comcheck Online. There are free softwares available to create both Rescheck and Comcheck. Some are used on your local hard drive and computer, or offline. Others are used on the cloud and the internet or online. Today we will focus on the online creation of Rescheck and Comcheck and show you how a Rescheck Online compares to a Comcheck Online.
Rescheck Online Versus Comcheck Online (Free Download)
This rendition of the Reschexpert blog looks at obtaining a Rescheck Online versus obtaining a Comcheck Online. There are free softwares available to create both Rescheck and Comcheck. Some are used on your local hard drive and computer, or offline. Others are used on the cloud and the internet or online. Today we will focus on the online creation of Rescheck and Comcheck and show you how a Rescheck Online compares to a Comcheck Online.
Here are some key features of the online Rescheck creation software, Rescheck Web:
The software used to create a Rescheck is online is called Rescheck Web.
Rescheck Web is used for two and one family residential buildings, alterations, renovations, and additions.
Rescheck Web is suitable to calculate homes that are less than or equal to 3 stories above the grade of the earth.
Rescheck Web creates a report called Rescheck that ties all the parties together involved a construction project and brings them to a unified front in regards to the energy efficiency of a construction project.
Rescheck Web generates a Rescheck report has 10-15 pages.
Rescheck Web output file is generated in a PDF format.
Rescheck Web can take an input file of .rxl or an .rck which are both specialized Rescheck reporting file designations.
Rescheck Web online Rescheck creation software is routinely updated and may experience 12-18 hours of down time periods, 6-8 times per year.
Rescheck Web contains more energy codes and receives updates to the newest IECC energy codes, state specific energy codes, and software updates before the offline version of Rescheck creation software Rescheck desktop.
Rescheck Web is free to use for anyone.
A Rescheck online quickly identifies problem areas of a structure and potential areas that need improvement.
Here are some key features of the online Comcheck creation software, Comcheck Web:
The software used to create a Comcheck is online is called Comcheck Web.
Comcheck Web is used for new commercial buildings and high rise structures.
Comcheck Web can handle new commercial construction, alterations, renovations, and additions.
Comcheck Web is easily able to compare applicable energy codes to commerical buildings homes that are more than 3 stories tall.
Comcheck Web creates a report called Comcheck that unites everyone in a commercial construction project and allows them to have an in depth understanding of the energy code, building envelope, interior lighting, exterior lighting, and mechanical.
Comcheck Web creates an online Comcheck report has 10-18 pages.
Comcheck Web output file type is a PDF format.
Comcheck Web can take an input file of .cxl or an .cck which are both specialized Comcheck reporting file designations.
Comcheck Web online Comcheck creation software is well maintained and will experience 10-14 hour maintenance sessions, 4-6 times per year.
Comcheck Web contains more energy codes and receives updates to the newest ASHRAE energy codes, IECC energy codes, state specific energy codes, and software updates prior to the offline version of Comcheck creation software Comcheck desktop.
Comcheck Web is free of usage fees for do it yourself or DIY Comcheck creators.
Comcheck online will point out areas a commercial structure that do not not meet the relevant state specific, IECC, or ASHRAE energy codes and show areas that need attention.
Overall creating a Comcheck online is very similar to creating a Rescheck online. Comcheck is used for commercial structures and Rescheck is used for residential structures. In the head to head matchup of Comcheck online versus Rescheck online who wins? Comcheck online would be given the prize simply because it looks at more areas of a standard construction project than a Rescheck online. With the Comcheck you get a chance to look at envelope, interior lighting, exterior lighting, and mechanical. The Rescheck online mainly focuses on envelope. For this reason we give Comcheck online the win in this discussion of Comcheck online versus Rescheck online.
Both Rescheck online and Comcheck online are great ways to check the energy efficiency of your residential or commercial structure. If you need either we can do it. Email pdf plans, jobsite address, or square footage to and we will get you taken care of.
Rescheck Online Versus Comcheck Online (Free Download)